Who am I? Why did I start LSNW?  What do I know?  

 Hey There,

You are probably wondering who I am and why I started this website/blog and what if anything makes me an expert on law school.

Well first things first. Hello, my name is KristyAnne Thompson. I am a 2011 graduate of Marquette Law School. I  attended law school as a non-traditional student ( I went to law school at the age of 30).

Law school was always a goal for me although it was a dream deferred but it did eventually happen and I have to say I am pleased that it worked out the way that it did for me and I have NO REGRETS. Which you will find on the journey of making this huge decision and then sticking with it or through it if you feel it is right at the end of the day will be important to you.


Now on to the reason why I started LSNW?.

Over the course of the last six years, I have spoken to numerous potential law students and have had the opportunity to see a quite a few people make it to and through law school. As I sat down and thought about all of those experiences, I thought it was imperative to give insight to others through my eyes as well as the eyes of others I know who were at one point in time in the same position as you- interested in going to law school or in law school and trying to figure out what do I need to, what have I done to myself and why and how do I survive.

There is tons of information out there regarding getting into law school, money for law school, summer clerkships/jobs and networking to name a few. It is mind-boggling and honestly disheartening the lack of information potential and matriculating students know about any of these topics.  Which is why I have found my way to the world wide web with Law School Now What?. The reality is that it really is a big question and one that should not be taken lightly and requires support.

I hope the information provided through this website gives you some of the support you need.